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22 јуна 20:39

Freelance-posao po projektu Dispatcher

SpeedEx Holding LLC – Objavio SpeedEx Holding LLCBilo gde

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Opis posla

American Trucking Company is hiring Truck Dispatchers for trucks loads in USA (work from home/office)
Job description:
Need 2 years experience,  excellent English is a must!
All candidates need to be able to work all shifts which includes night shifts also. Company works 24/7
Duties included:
Ability to communicate on English with truck Brokers
Monitoring load board and GPS all the time
Be able to monitor HOS (Hours of Service)
Positive attitude toward customers and colleagues and problem solver mentality
Flexible work time, mostly from 14:00 until 23:00
Payment depends of experience($1000-2000). Send CV to or contact Viber/WA +17736829398

Kategorije poslova: Transport i skladištenje. Tipovi posla: Freelance-posao po projektu. Plata: 100,000 i preko.

123 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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