Tražite posao? Dobro došli, na pravom ste mestu!
29 мар 15:21

Honorarni posao Driver

testing company – Objavio testingcompanyBeograd, Serbia

NAPOMENA: Ovaj posao je istekao i možda više nije aktuelan!

Opis posla

Our team is looking for the person who can offer his driver service for field test engineer.

Type of Job:
Contract on permanent based. Require 1 working day (4-5 hours) per one model. Models quantity can varies from 1 to 4 models per month.

Driving in Belgrade with the pre-specified route (central city part usually) for 4-5 hours on the average speed with the field test engineer onboard. Engineer will perform the software tests for mobile devices while driving.
We cover driver service and petrol expenses right after each driving day.

Minimum requirements:
Clean category B driver license. Average petrol/diesel car consumption shouldn’t be higher than 10 l/100 km.
English language: Intermediate is enough (should be able to talk and understand to pass the short interview with customer).

Payment: 20 USD for each model + petrol expenses coverage (only for distance spent for tests).

Leonid Ikonnikov

Kako se prijaviti

Contacts: Leonid Ikonnikov

Kategorije poslova: Transport i skladištenje. Tipovi posla: Honorarni posao. Tagovi poslova: Beograd. Plata: Manje od 20,000.

1588 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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