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9 нов 23:06

Stalan posao Hotel Staffs Needed

ACE HOTEL – Objavio acehotelBilo gde

NAPOMENA: Ovaj posao je istekao i možda više nije aktuelan!

Opis posla

The Ace hotel are in search of interesting minds, skilled thinkers, with excellent communication skill, excellent interpersonal relations, excellence in service, eye for detail, polite and courteous, customer service ethics ,Be a team player, excellent customer service ethics for all posts who are ready to relocate to the UNITED KINGDOM; to fill in some position as the management intends to increase its man power base due to an increase in the number of customers.

Hotel jobs available today – chef, asst. chef, Account Manager, Busboy, Cashier, Bartender, Assistant Manager of Front Office, Assistant restaurant manager, Housekeeper, Waiters/Waitress, Receptionist, Guest Relation Assistant, Room Attendant, Foreign/International Language Interpreter, Marketing Assistant Manager & Cafe Attendant/Manager etc. Hotel industry is directly related to hospitality and hence, customer service is the most vital part of this industry.

Have we piqued your interest in this versatile position? Then we look forward to your meaningful application documents. Gladly online! applications and CV should be sent via

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applications and CV should be sent via

Kategorije poslova: Ugostiteljstvo i turizam. Tipovi posla: Stalan posao. Plata: 40,000 - 60,000.

1722 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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