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23 јан 18:44

Stalan posao Human Resources Administrative Assistant

First Beat Media – Objavio FBMNovi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

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Opis posla

The HR team is looking to add a part-time HR Assistant. This person would be working 20 hours per week.  He/She would be responsible for:

  • Managing our corporate gift program
  • Managing our employee recognition programs
  • Various administrative tasks
  • Assisting with the planning and executing of company events
  • Helping with other HR related tasks.


  • Very detail oriented
  • Extremely proficient with computer skills (Gmail/Google Drive, Social Media, Skype, Research)
  • Must be a people person and have excellent interpersonal skills
  • Fluent in English
  • Must be able to work in a team environment and communicate effectively
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills
  • Collegiality: Being helpful, respectful, approachable and team oriented, building strong working relationships and a positive work environment
  • Efficiency: Planning ahead, managing time well, being on time, being cost conscious, thinking of better ways to do things


  • Based in Novi Sad
  • Working hours – 20hours/week
  • Working days Mon-Fri (sometimes weekends)
  • Long-term, part-time employment

Kako se prijaviti

Apply here:   Deadline for applications: January 30th 2017

Kategorije poslova: Administracija i knjigovodstvo. Tipovi posla: Stalan posao. Tagovi poslova: Novi Sad.

1576 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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