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10 јула 02:38

Honorarni posao Mechanical Engineer

CompAir Ltd – Objavio compairltd@gmail.comBilo gde

NAPOMENA: Ovaj posao je istekao i možda više nije aktuelan!

Opis posla

1) Read and interpret blueprints, technical drawings, schematics, and computer-generated reports.

2) Confer with engineers and other personnel to implement operating procedures, resolve system malfunctions, and provide technical information.

3) Research and analyze customer design proposals, specifications, manuals, and other data to evaluate the feasibility, cost, and maintenance requirements of designs or applications.

4) Specify system components or direct modification of products to ensure conformance with engineering design and performance specifications.

5) Research, design, evaluate, install, operate, and maintain mechanical products, equipment, systems and processes to meet requirements, applying knowledge of engineering principles.

6) Investigate equipment failures and difficulties to diagnose faulty operation, and to make recommendations to maintenance crew.

Kategorije poslova: Elektrotehnika i mašinstvo. Tipovi posla: Honorarni posao.

1397 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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