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30 дец 14:46

Honorarni posao Potrebni profesori Engleskog jezika za rad od kuće

TutorABC – Objavio TutorOnlineBilo gde

NAPOMENA: Ovaj posao je istekao i možda više nije aktuelan!

Opis posla

Teach Conversational English Online from Home
Location: Anywhere with wired internet connection.
If you speak English and have a fast internet connection, a good webcam as well as a headset, then you’re ready to apply!
Personal qualifications:
TESOL/TEFL certification, or willingness to obtain certification within the probation period, is required.
A university degree or previous ESL teaching experience
Previous working experience in other fields (preferred)
Willingness to commit to a set weekly working schedule
Computer literate

Enthusiastic and professional
Great communication and presentation skills
Ability to motivate students
Ability to SPEAK SLOWLY and explain things to people who can’t speak English!

IT Requirements:
Broadband / ADSL internet connection – wired (not wireless)

Advantages to teaching with us:
No need to prepare lesson plans, we have them prepared for you
Don’t need to grade homework
Save time and money on commuting
Experienced personal trainer will assist and guide you
Acquire valuable skills that put you ahead of others as an ESL Teacher
Competitive hourly rate with bonuses based on student feedback (USD)
Take Free online Chinese lessons through our Chinese learning platform, TutorMing

You will instruct, monitor, assist and correct students during online classes. You will also provide constructive feedback for your students after you are done with each class.

Kako se prijaviti

Prijave obaviti isključivo preko e-mail adrese:

Kategorije poslova: Obrazovanje. Tipovi posla: Honorarni posao. Plata: 60,000 - 80,000.

5193 ukupno pregleda, 2 danas

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