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17 нов 16:10

Stalan posao Sales Developer

Candex Ltd. – Objavio Candex Ltd.Bilo gde

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Opis posla

Job description:
The sales developer is first expected to assist in opening a new office in Belgrade. The main responsibility is to establish contacts with new customers and to sell the products of the company /forklift trucks, hand pallet trucks, industrial tyres, spare parts/ mostly by means of Internet advertisement, announcements and e-mail / phone communication. The applicant has to be experienced in invoicing and warehouse software, he will be asked to prepare daily sales reports and weekly availability reports and to communicate with the head office in Bulgaria. Apart from the monthly remuneration – 500 EUR, the sales developer will obtain a certain bonus depending on the monthly turnover.
Company details: /EMAIL:
A Bulgarian company dealing with
– used forklift trucks,
– new warehouse equipment – hand pallet trucks, stackers, reach trucks,
– forklift tyres,
– spare parts,
is opening an office / warehouse in Belgrade and needs to recruit a business / sales developer who will realize the products provided by the company and will also assist in finding a suitable office and warehouse space first. The company is among the leaders on the Bulgarian market, it has already 4 trade and service centers in Bulgaria and 1 in Bucharest, Romania and can provide competitive products.

Kako se prijaviti

Ideal Candidate: • Motivated, proactive, confident and willing to work. • Excellent communication and managing skills • University Graduated / preferably finances / • At least one year working experience in equipment sales • Driving license and driving experience at least 2 years • Good English language • Good computer skills - Word, Excel, Internet • Experience with warehouse software programs

Kategorije poslova: Administracija i knjigovodstvo. Tipovi posla: Stalan posao. Plata: 60,000 - 80,000.

1367 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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