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9 нов 13:16

Freelance-posao po projektu Sales Representative

Gal Group 2015 Ltd. – Objavio galgroup2015Bilo gde

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Opis posla

Sales Representative

Gal Group 2015 Ltd is a Bulgarian glass trading company. An official representative of world manufacturers, the company successfully sells glass both in Bulgaria and abroad: Romania, Russia and other countries.

In connection with our desire to enter a bigger number of foreign markets, our company is seeking to recruit a Sales Representative with the following profile:

What are the main responsibilities:

  • Expands, retains and optimizes the client network;
  • Seeks and conducts business contacts with potential clients of the company, maintains relationships with the current ones;
  • Direct sales on site to the customer or by telephone, offering the products and discussing the business conditions with which the company works;
  • Works to achieve the company’s business goals;
  • Consults and presents products, price lists, discounts and working conditions;
  • Monitors, collects, analyzes data and competition information in its trusted markets.


What we search in candidates:

  • Previous sales experience;
  • Strong motivation to develop and achieve results;
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills;
  • Organization and initiative;
  • Good knowledge of English – written and spoken;
  • Computer skills – MS Office (Excel, Word);
  • Active driver;
  • Opportunity for frequent business trips abroad – Romania, Hungary, Moldova, etc., as well as often visits to Bulgaria.

The applicant does not have to be from Bulgaria, as the work is mainly by email, telephone and requires frequent trips out of the country.


What we offer:

  • Business car;
  • Business Phone;
  • Fixed salary plus a percentage of turnover.

If our proposal is of interest to you, please apply by sending your CV to


Kako se prijaviti

If our proposal is of interest to you, please apply by sending your CV to

Kategorije poslova: Prodaja i marketing. Tipovi posla: Freelance-posao po projektu. Tagovi poslova: Bugarska. Plata: Manje od 20,000.

744 ukupno pregleda, 1 danas

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